Putlocker9 Watch Stream Top Gun

Top Gun Putlocker9



/ description: As students at the United States Navy"s elite fighter weapons school compete to be best in the class, one daring young pilot learns a few things from a civilian instructor that are not taught in the classroom / 7,5 of 10 / Kelly McGillis / genres: Action, Drama / runtime: 1h, 50M

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I enjoyed this great edit. Lighten up. Was That An Aurora In The Last Few Seconds? He Had On An Astronaut Type Helmet... ????????. Thank you. Informative and interesting.

When I seen it top gun movie I even like the song in the movie I was the greatest movie ever. I like characters in this movie. Uh its was a blast and it looks so amazing ever very awesome film. I really enjoyed it very moment of the movie I really am huge fan of top gun movie I really think it is totally awesome ever and unique. I like the writer and producer artist storyline director and crew executive producer cast did a terrific job making this film super great job I love it very much. ??.

Air wolf. For anyone who loves gadgets, flying, or even dreams of being a pilot, this movie is pure unadulterated pleasure! I don"t think Top Gun has even been equalled, in producing some enthralling aerial cinematography that never looks amateurish or unrealistic. If you consider that back in the 1980"s the CGI option did not exist, so all the live action sequences had to film real F14"s flying; the technical challenges in filming supersonic craft and doing so (and getting decent footage) are considerable. For this feat alone, Top Gun is a classic that has never been equalled before or since.
Watching this movie, it"s easy to see why Tom Cruise became the mega-star he did. His clean-cut, good ol" American guy image and toothy grin appealled not only to US audiences, but to the wider world at the time. This part isn"t much of an acting challenge for Cruise, since there isn"t much depth to the character, but on the other hand, he plays the part of a maverick pilot so convincingly, that you never doubt for a moment you are watching anything other than a top Navy pilot.
The cinematography is superb, the music is just so thrilling it gave me tears in my eyes with happiness." The scenes of Iceman Interacting with maverick and Goose is just great to watch. The soundtrack has its ups and downs, nice in taking some classic romantic numbers, but failing when loud bursts of American rock signal that Maverick is either in danger or has successfully shot down a plane and "going home. That being said this is still a highly enjoyable film, and while the attitude may be a little annoying at times, it can still be genuinely enjoyed as a good, in your face, bit of fun.
Overall rating: 9 out of 10.

Ilove this song.1/12/19. 4:29 Patriots Jet Team. I like is listening in l l v 2020 ? Take my breath away... ??????. I love how Tom is so NICE to everyone and we get no politics bs from him. THanks TOm. Action was great but her voice is annoying, high pitched and immature. Tom Cruise is no bull shit. He does his own Stunts! Gotta respect that. Erection Material! Just Resurrecting my GPZ 900 R called Rachael after the synthetic from Blade Runner ~ Awesome Xxx.

Tom is actually older than Conan and Andy. Let that sink in. Liked how, once again, Tom turned to Andy to include him in the conversation. I remember watch it when i 8th years old, nice to see it has a sequel. I kind of was hoping they play danger zone in this trailer. Looks good, I"m hyped. Definitely a must watch for me. ?????.

The fact that all the flying are in F14 Tomcats is a bit of a giveaway... Also cant wait for him to show up the young hot shots. Those of us old enough to remember seeing the 1st one in theatres, we thought the 1st one was intense? Just wait. The BEST scene of any 80s film that shows THE best definition of at first, backing down from a fight, but then getting back into the fight and saying, i"ve got your back, and you"ve got mine. This trailer gives me insane chills. I guess Maverick screwed up somewhere since they didn"t trust him with an F-35. What a complete waste of peoples time... Awesome. Best intro hands down. 80"s rules. I feel like we are going to find out Miles is playing “ Goose “ son. He looks just like Goose.

Does anybody NOT miss the 80"s. God Bless legends thinking this way when it comes to movie making. This type of film making is the hallmark of Hollywood and what made Hollywood stand out from the others. F* k CGI. The way he feels his responsiblity towards his audiences to entertain them, to make them feel everything in real time and for that, he would want to go to any limit even if it would take to face his worst fears, i really love him for that. He is The Best.







Top Gun Rated 3.4 / 5 based on 461 reviews.